DJ and musician releases vile anti-gay song

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Enoch Kwasi Fobih, aka DJ Eminimu, at work at Rainbow Radio International

A Ghanaian DJ and musician, known as DJ Eminimu, has released an appalling rap song rallying against the so called “abomination” of homosexuality.

Real name Enoch Kwasi Fobih, the homophobic DJ is, somewhat ironically, employed by Rainbow Radio International, a radio station with offices in Accra and London.

On its website, the station praises its staff member for adding his voice to “the fight against homosexuality in the world” and producing the song “to combat the canker.”

The song, titled Stop Homosexual, is in English and the Ghanaian Twi dialect and rails against the “strange” world in which women sleep with women and men sleep with men.

The lyrics reportedly include: “Homosexual is abomination, my nation, stop listen, attention, it’s a question. Bible, Quran you go see these things. Jesus Christ spoke against it. Mohammed also pre-condemned it. Buddha, traditional them hate it. Salasi go slap you about this. Chief Imam, pastors, President, Nananom, Ama Ghana…”

The track, which features recording artist K. Dame, refers to the Biblical story of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, reputedly because of homosexuality, and urges Ghana to never pass laws in favour of gay rights.

DJ Eminimu also calls on the US government to speak out against homosexuality. “America must stand against gaysm. Let say no to gaysm, let condemn gaysm,” proclaims the song.

This misguided musical endeavour is only likely to add to the ongoing persecution, hatred and violence faced by LGBT Ghanaians. In May 2014, it was reported that a group of Muslim youth had killed a man they accused of being gay.

In August, a 21-year-old was arrested on accusations that he is gay and was “recruiting other youth into the practice.” Police detained him after angry locals attacked his family home and tried to lynch the young man for “engaging in sexual escapades with other young men in the community.”

A 2012 US Department of State Human Rights Report found that “LGBT persons faced widespread discrimination, as well as police harassment and extortion attempts” in Ghana. Gay sex is illegal and carries a sentence of three years imprisonment.

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