Sam Smith releases gay wedding music video

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sam_smith_gay_wedding_videoGrammy nominee Sam Smith has unveiled a new gay marriage-themed video for his track Lay Me Down.

In the video the openly gay singer is seen marrying a male partner in church as a festive crowd cheers the couple on.

It’s the latest single from his acclaimed hit début album, In the Lonely Hour.

Smith, 22, addressed his fans on Facebook to explain the intentions behind the moving clip.

“This song holds a very dear place in my heart. With this video myself and Ryan Hope the director have decided to make a statement and showcase something we passionately believe in,” the star said.

“This video shows my dreams that one day gay men and women and transgendered men and women all over the world, like all our straight families and friends, will be able to get married under any roof, in any city, in any town, in any village, in any country. I hope you enjoy it. I love you all x,” Smith wrote.

Watch Lay Me Down below.

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