Isis fighters lure gay men to their death


This man, found “guilty” of homosexuality, was stoned to death after surviving being pushed off a building roof in the Syrian city of al-Tabaqa in March.

There are reports that undercover Isis members are setting up ‘dates’ with gay men in order to capture and execute them

According to Daily Star, religious police have set up a squad of Isis militants who pose as gay men and lure other men to fake dates.

The tricked men are arrested and then face being executed in public, usually by stoning, beheading or by being thrown from the top of buildings.

A source told the newspaper that some “lucky” victims manage to escape with their lives if they can afford to pay a ransom.

“Homosexuality is viewed as the most disgusting practice by the regime,” said the source.

Last week, Isis released images of another man found “guilty” of sodomy being thrown off a building and then stoned to death.

According to a recent International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission (IGLHRC) report, there have been no less than 15 gay-related executions by Isis in the past 12 months.

Since June 2014, ISIS has posted at least seven online photo reports purporting to show the brutal execution of persons accused of sodomy. Reports by eyewitnesses have also surfaced through the London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR).

In addition, there have been reports of stonings of women allegedly accused and convicted for adultery, and numerous accounts of persons executed by Islamic State militias, presumably because of their religious affiliation.

Isis is a proponent of a radical interpretation of Sharia religious law which allows for the execution of people for “morality” crimes, including adultery and homosexuality.

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