Missing! Have you seen Ruan Uys?
Ruan Uys, a 28-year-old member of the LGBT community in Gauteng, has been missing since the 2nd of January. Can you help find him?
Uys’s mother, Hantie Uys, has taken to social media with a desperate plea for any information about the whereabouts of her son.
“This is not a sick joke,” she said on Facebook. “He’s still missing. Please we need your help.”
Ruan (pictured above) was last seen in Goodwood Street, Boksburg North, on 2 January, at around 7pm, with a friend named Alberto Dejesus.
Ruan was wearing grey shorts, a grey t-shirt, rubber slip-ons and a cap back-to-front. He will be remembered by many in the community as a barman at the now-closed Pretoria gay nightclub, Legends.

Alberto Dejesus
He has brown eyes, is 1.86m tall, is balding with ash brown hair, and has a tattoo on the top of his left arm. His most recent profile picture was posted on Facebook on 23 December 2017.
If you have any relevant information about Ruan or where he can be found, please contact the SAPS Boksburg North CSC office on 011 898 3000 / 3009 / 3010 or the Pink Ladies on 072 21 47439 / 083 378 4882 / 072 620 7704.
You can also contact his parents directly; Johan on 062 464 1483 or Hantie on 072 455 8201.
UPDATE 22/01/2018
It now appears that Alberto Dejesus, with whom Ruan was last seen, is also missing. According to a June 2017 Facebook post, Ruan was or is in a relationship with Alberto. If you have any information on his whereabouts, please call 082 444 9138.
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- Total367
Alberto De Jesus.. stays in Alberton maybe start searching by him..
Apparently, Alberto De Jesus is also missing. Not sure why this is not mentioned in the article. I hope they are both safe somewhere
no one is going to any length to find alberto like ruan’s mother is in finding her son… such a shame
Lindie please do not comment if you dont know the facts… Alberto’s mother together with family and friends and work collegues of Alberto has gone and is still going through great lenghts to find him..
@ Lindie
You have no idea what the friends and family are going through trying to find Alberto. The situation is sad enough so just keep your small minded comments to yourself !!!!
@Lindie If you don’t have any information on Alberto that can lead us to him then I suggest you stay quiet. His friends and family are trying everything possible to find him!!! Clearly you have never been in such a situation. So either start looking or shut up!!!
I work with Alberto and I am helping his family to look for him.. I have people looking for him that are better than the pink ladies. They know people that can tell me exactly where and what they were doing on the 2 of Jan the last time they were seen in Boksburg. So please keep your comments for yourself… we dont have to advertise the situation and what we are doing to find him. We have been through alot.
Hi everyone. Any news regarding Al & Ruan? Please could we have an update? So worried. I truly pray that they are both safe!!!
I hope you find them.
no need to attack me .. !! that was the information given on inquiry at the SAPS station.. alberto has “not been reported missing”….. and i have been helping more than i can with this search for ruan .. so y’all can calm the fuck down !! thats all
Fact… little miss muffit