Huge spike in anti-LGBT hate crimes in wake of Brexit vote


Pride in London 2016

It’s been revealed that there’s been a massive increase in attacks against LGBT people in the UK following the shock vote to leave the EU.

According to the anti LGBT violence group Galop, homophobic hate crimes shot up by 147% in July, August and September, compared to the same months last year.

The organisation said that it had assisted 187 LGBT victims during that period, compared to 72 people in 2015.

The spike correspondents with other reports that also showed an increase in hate incidents towards foreigners and ethnic minorities in the UK in the wake of the Brexit referendum. It appears that the vote emboldened individuals and groups with bigoted attitudes.

Galop’s Chief Executive, Nik Noone, noted that while hate crime laws do offer some protection to LGBT people in the UK, the maximum penalty for homophobic, transphobic or disability common assault is six months, compared to two years for similar hate crimes based on race and religious bias.

“UK responses to hate crime are among the best in the world but our hate crime laws are far from perfect. This disparity needs redress,” said Noone.

In its report, based on a survey of 467 LGBT people, Galop found that 4 in 5 had experienced hate crimes and that a quarter had experienced violent hate crimes.

Only a quarter of victims reported the last hate crime they experienced. Common barriers to reporting included feeling it would not produce a result, being unsure if it was a crime, and feeling it would not be treated seriously.

“Despite progress on this issue, the results presented here suggest that homophobia, biphobia and transphobia remain a significant part of LGBT peoples’ lives,” reads the report. “Additionally, it found that individuals face considerable barriers to accessing assistance in terms of policy, practice and legislation.”

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