Gay boxer Yusaf Mack beats up homophobe in barber shop (video)

Yusaf Mack (Twitter)
This gives new meaning to “fighting” for gay rights! Openly gay American boxer and porn actor Yusaf Mack has beaten up a homophobe who trolled him on Twitter.
A video has emerged of Mack attacking the man, identified as Hector Echevarria, in an LA Clippers barber shop in Philadelphia on Saturday.
The 37-year-old is seen punching and smashing a jar over the cowering Echevarria in full view of customers. Echevarria has been accused of posting anti-gay comments about the boxer.
After the brawl, a defiant Echevarria went on to make more homophobic remarks about Mack on Facebook. He wrote: “I rather have a video of some beating me up then a video of someone seeing me take a d*** up my a** any day.”
An unrepentant Mack told TMZ that he’d had enough of Echevarria’s online harassment and that the man got what he deserved.
The fighter made headlines in 2015 when it was revealed that he had appeared in a threeway gay adult film. Mack at first claimed that he was straight, had been drugged to appear in the video and couldn’t remember what had happened.
After being threatened with a law suit by the furious production company, the father of 10 admitted in an interview that he had indeed appeared in the video voluntarily. He also came out. “I’m gay. I’m tired of holding it in, it is what it is. I live my life. I’m gay,” he said.
Mack explained at the time that he’d decided to make the porn film because he “was down and out”, adding, “I asked friends, they wouldn’t help me, so I did what I had to do.”
He said he never expected the video to be widely seen and that the ensuing media exposure had left him feeling suicidal.
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